Saturday, March 14, 2009

Prayer is the KEY

Hello Prior Lake Baptist! As I write this we are one week away from Big Sunday! What do we need to be doing? We need to be praying. Asking God what His desire is for you and your family is more important than anything.

Ask and then listen, adjust and then obey.

Also be praying for Dr. Eklund as he prepares to be with you on the 22ND. He is excited and already has a peace about what God has laid on his heart to share with you. It will be an exciting day!

Remember, our Telephone Callers will be getting their lists tomorrow at church.

Lets finish the Intensive Time strong and then get ready to rejoice at all that God has done and will do!

I am praying for you!

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Paradox of Giving

“Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity.” II Corinthians 8:2

In chapter seven of the book “The 33 Laws of Stewardship” the authors discuss the “Law of Paradoxical Participation,” which they describe as the spiritual principle that tells us that “the riches generosity often comes out of the deepest poverty.” The three priorities that they state will help us live out this law in our lives are:
1. “Respond to need, not pressure. The generous giver is prompted to give by seeing a need and being touched by it.”
2. “Have an open heart and an open hand. Openness is willingness and nothing pleases God more than a heart that willingly yields to Him and a hand that willingly gives to Him.”
3. “Be a river, not a reservoir. Believers are channels not containers. God’s love and grace are to flow through us, and not be held in us.”

The idea of poverty reminds me of how God sometimes prepare us for ministry, if we are surrendered, by carrying us (Isaiah 40:29-31) through our own trials. Through this the Lord’s faithfulness motivates a spiritual humility that prepares us to be a comfort to others (Galatians 6:2) by allowing ourselves to become vessel of God’s free flowing love. Has the Lord prepared you for a ministry? Have you ever considered love an element of stewardship, along with money, talents and time? Or is it quite possible that love is the true catalyst to genuine stewardship.

So when you consider how God wants to use you during this campaign do not limit yourself to financial generosity, but consider all areas of your walk with Christ in which God is prompting you to be a better steward. It is my prayer that through this journey, our love for the Lord Jesus Christ will grow and that all honor and glory will be His alone.

All excerpts were taken from “The 33 Laws of Stewardship” by Dave Sutherland and Kirk Nowery, New Source Publishing,2003.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Great to be with you this past weekend!

As I returned home today my thoughts were on the weekend and the obvious move of God in many lives. The emails from several have shared many great things that people are dealing with and their commitment to allow God to lead them.

I am praying for each of you as we approach March 22ND. Please be praying for the following:
1) The Prayer Visits that will be taking place in every home.
2) That each family will seek God's desire for them in this effort.
3) That lives will continue to see the healing work of God in the area of Stewardship
4) That God will be with Dr. Eklund as he prepares to be with you on the 22ND.

God is faithful! He will bless!

Thank you for your attentiveness during our times together for being wonderful hosts. I felt as if I was part of your family!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ministry: Getting a New Focus

“He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water; that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.” Psalm 1:3

Over the years I have watched our AWANA ministry dwindle and have accepted it, even welcomed the decrease in children attending. It makes the ministry more manageable for the few of us who are dedicated. It is a shame that I am so complacent to watch the ministry filter down to only church kids. The AWANA ministry has and still does minister to children from families that do not go to church, as well as children from our community that go to other churches. Our commitment to all these children is our opportunity to prepare their hearts for the Lord. The Lord can use our efforts to bring up a new generation of Christians impacting their families and their communities for Christ. What better way to grow the body of Christ.
The motto of AWANA is “The other boy and girl for Christ.” This means the focus of the ministry is growth and I really need to reassess my commitment to the program if I am willing to be complacent with a decrease in numbers because of a lack of volunteers. I am seeking the Lord in hope that my heart will change and that I will desire, even welcome, growth in the AWANA program regardless of the struggles it may bring. May all the ministries of Prior Lake Baptist Church always bear fruit, never wither, and always prosper for Christ’s Kingdom.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Praying as we approach Sunday March 1

It is a humble blessing to read how God is using the devotional book that God allowed us write. I cannot tell you the great joy that I am experiencing from the privilege of partnering with each of you in this campaign. Our times are special and I can sense the building of excitement.

Please pray this week as we approach Sunday. Satan does not like what I will be teaching from God's Word both Sunday morning and Sunday night. Pray that God will guard me this week as I prepare and that he will give me rest and prep time. Also lift up my family. My oldest has the flu - the real bad strain. I am keeping my distance from him and taking plenty Vitamin C!

Please know that both during the morning and evening times, the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be shared! As you invite friends (and enemies), pray that their hearts will be open to receiving the Gospel.

And finally, I trust that all are praying as to what God desires from each during the next three years of the campaign. Remember, it is more than money. It is about His Lordship over every aspect of our lives. May God use this time to pay down the debt of prior Lake! May He also use this time to create a Revival that lasts long beyond thirty six months for His glory.

I am looking forward to seeing you Sunday!

Col 2: 6
Tim Guthrie
Eklund Stewardship Ministries

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Is God ever surprised?

One thing comforting about growing "old" in the Lord is the ability to look back through your life and review how faithful God has been to you through all circumstances. I enjoyed a statement I read recently that said "His plans are made on the basis of complete knowledge and control which extend to all things past, present and future, so that there can be no sudden emergencies or unexpected developments to take Him by surprise." This brings me a lot of comfort. He knows all about the economy and everything going on nationally and personally. It can be an exciting adventure to submit to His guidance and see how He works!

How Big Is Your God?

Psalms 78:41-42 “Yes again and again they…limited the Holy One of Israel. They did not remember His power.” (Day 30)

Over the years as my Sunday school students asked me to pray for relatives that were very ill I would pray that God would give the relative strength and comfort and give the doctors wisdom. I would rarely ever pray for out right healing. I thought that I was protecting their young hearts from disappointment in the Lord, incase the relative died. Now I realize that I was not protecting their young and innocent hearts, but that I was manifesting my unbelief. I was limiting God and I was inadvertently training them to believe that God is not capable of the answering really hard requests. This has been true in my personal pray life also, I have forgotten that my God is BIG ENOUGH and that He can and will always answer my prayers. I plan to turn over a new leaf – I will stretch my faith and pray BIG and I know that God will answer in the way He sees best.